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Corvo Apollo

A member registered Aug 17, 2022

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TLDR; At times tedious, but overall a tense experience that captures the look of Steamboat Willie perfectly!

I have to say that coming into this, I wasn't expecting much. Truthfully I thought that this was going to be another low quality, zero passion, minimal effort horror game looking to cash in on the now public domain mouse. 

However by the time that I beat it, I was pleasantly surprised. I found myself on edge throughout my playtime, and I even jumped a few times surprisingly. It wasn't a jumpscare fest like I was expecting and I quite appreciate that.

I will say that it did grow a little tedious at times. Repeating the same tasks over and over felt boring and sadly there isn't much of a reward for doing so. I feel like if we got more time exploring the descent from Willie's normal cheery attitude to starving animal the gameplay would feel more engaging.

I will also say that the section where you are told to get the potatoes but in reality need to leave the area to go back to Willie could use some clarification? I feel like an average player would get confused and even frustrated trying to figure out what to do. 

Lastly, and I am not sure if this was a bug or not, but as seen in my video Willie did not give that 3 second head start he was talking about. Was that because I wasn't sneaking or something? Also there was a bug where Willie killed me through a wall when I was trying to hide from him as well.

Despite those issues though, I think this is an overall well made game that clearly had time, effort, and love put into it! This take on a horror story on Steamboat Willie is a breath of fresh air that I did enjoy and highly recommend. 

Thank you for making this, and I hope to see more of your work in the future!

TLDR; An impressive looking and spooky game with a good  story!

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with this game! It appeared very surface level at first but by the time that I completed it I was incredibly impressed at the consistent level of subtle foreshadowing. The end twist was predictable yes, but it was something that was built up to rather well!

I will also say the writing was pretty good despite how sparse it was. The characters are charming and also disturbing thanks to the incredible design and visual style of the game.

I will say my main complaint about this game is the car itself. It rather sluggish to control and it felt like I was trying to fight it at times to make it go the way I wanted to. There was also a bug where I got stuck on the last spike ball when the spike balls made their first appearance. Thankfully I was able to restart from a checkpoint rather than have to restart the entire game.

All in all I was impressed by this and I will definitely be looking forward to more of your games in the future!

TLDR; Freaking amazing. Truly astonished and I NNEED more!

To elaborate a bit more on my thoughts regarding this game, I really did enjoy this thoroughly. The audio, the music, the little but game changing evaluations you put to the standard Russian Roulette formula, the chilling yet detailed and charming art style, and more make this a tense, thrilling, and addicting experience that is a pleasure to endure at every moment.

I would love to see this world and concept expanded upon in a future installment. Maybe playing different games that are similar to Russian Roulette or the ability to play with other people perhaps?

I really have no major complaints. One of the best indie games that I have played as of late. Well done and I cannot wait to see more of your work in the future!

LOVED IT! I really hope you guys make this a full game, I miss FMV horror! (Also give Truffle more screen time, they deserve it.)

Incredibly fun game all around! Glad to see you back in action Zed! Can't wait to see what you do next!
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Outstanding! Expertly written dialogue and incredibly well done art! Love the characters so much, I wish we could see more of them! Can't wait to see what you put out next!

I have to say I am incredibly impressed with just how effective the creep factor here is while also keeping the intrigue going throughout. I love the narrative here and I hope to see more of this art style in the future! Such a creative and unique game in multiple ways, you did a fantastic job with this one!

I am beyond surprised at the level of quality present in this title. The VA work is fantastic, the story is delivered effectively, the scares and clever, the tension is well maintained throughout, and the visuals are impressive.
I am definitely keeping an eye on your future projects, I can't wait to see what you are gonna cook up next!

28:07 to End For Three Headed Santa!

This entire game feels like a cursed, neverending, nightmarish fever dream after taking acid from an alien planet laced with microscoptic lovecraftian horrors from the shadow realm.
I love it. It's genuinely funny and I had a good time with it. I highly recommend it if y'all want a good laugh. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

13:06 to 28:07 for How to Build a Snowman!

First off, the art style for this game is fantastic! For a game made in 3 weeks the fact that you made so many different areas each with its own look is admirable. 
Also, and I wasn't expecting this, the lore/story was also pretty intriguing! I wouldn't mind seeing more of this it's genuinely interesting!

The only complaint I have is that it is slightly buggy. I experienced a hard crash once I left the shed.
Also during editing I noticed that on my first run of the chase sequence I actually made it and was being lowered to the final section, but was still caught (I'm not sure if this is intentional or not). This led me to questioning what to do as I thought I had to do something else, which was a little frustrating. Thankfully, I found out what to do eventually.

Also, a little more direction during certain segments would be helpful. For example I got confused when I had to go to the shed to get the arms and found out I couldn't take the antlers off the skull. I thought I was doing something wrong or the game bugged out when I discovered that I had to leave the shed entirely and walk up to the snowman in order to progress.

Overall, I think that this a really neat little horror game that has decent potential to be expanded upon. I hope to see more of your progress in the future! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

00:16 to 13:05 For Slay Bells!

This was a well made and very fun horror game! The visual style was incredibly well done, I'll always love the retro, pixelated style. Can't wait to see what you do next! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays y'all!

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I had a fun time with this game! It feels good to finally get around to playing one of your games. For a game made in a week it's a fun time! 
Also I had a pretty good laugh at the "bad" ending LOL

Heya! I seem to be having a little trouble with the games resolution. I can't seem to adjust it to my monitor, its super small. I also don't see any in game settings to adjust this. Do you or anyone else have any suggestions on how to fix this issue? Thank you!